To convert vector objects to guides, select them and choose View > Guides > Make Guides. Position the pointer on the left ruler for a vertical guide or on the top ruler for a horizontal guide. Let us know if you have any other questions or feedback for 3D Builder. If the rulers aren’t showing, choose View > Show Rulers. Using it we can see that the ruler marks add up to 3.5 inches. Notice that the selected objects are also highlighted on the ruler on the build plate and because the units selected are in inches the marks on the ruler are also in inches. From there I can get a rough idea of the distance between the two objects: I selected the two squares you are trying to measure the distance between and put them up against one of the rulers on the build platform. Next I created the squares you described above. You can do this by hitting the file button and then the settings button: I have tried to recreate what you described above in an attempt to show you how it would be possible.įirst step is to make sure 3D Builder is using the units of measurement you are interested in. Yes, measuring in 3D Builder is possible.Ĭurrently in the app the tools for measuring are 1) the numbers representing of the dimension of the object(s) and 2) the build platform (the checkered grid that represents the ground/floor) x and y axis rulers. I'm an engineer on the 3D Builder team and I'd like to take a shot at answering your question.